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Đơn Xin Lễ Cưới - Wedding Request Form

Thông Tin Chú Rể - Groom Information:

Lớp Dự Bị Hôn nhân/ Groom Attend Marriage Preparation Course?
Ngày hoàn tất lớp học / Date to finish course (G):

Thông Tin Cô Dâu - Bride's Information:

Lớp Dự Bị Hôn nhân / Bride Attend Marriage Preparation Course?
Ngày hoàn tất lớp học / Date to finish course (B):

Chi tiết đám cưới - Wedding Information

Ngày & giờ cưới / Wedding date & time
Ngày & giờ nghi thức / Rehearsal date & time
Ngày / Date:


  • Church Facility & Coordinator fees:

    $1200 for parishioners, $1400 for non-parishioners

  • Deposit fee/nonrefundable - $300 — paid after this form ONLINE.

  • Make check payable to: Our Lady of La Vang Parish or Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ La Vang

  • Choir for the Mass is the responsibility of the marriage couple.

  • This request may need to be changed due to a church function, which is given first priority. The parish will notify you in this case.

Wedding Request Form Deposit

©2024 Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church San Jose

Church/Nhà Thờ: 389 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113

Parish Office/Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ: 25 North 14th Street, Suite 540 San Jose, CA 95112

Viet Phone: (408) 291-6280 | Eng/Span Phone: (408) 294-8120 | Fax: (408) 291-6289 


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